(25 min PRACTICE) New Moon in Virgo Meditation for Digestion w/ Amanda Leaveck


Virgo governs the digestive system, intestines, and spleen. Ruled by the 6th house of support, service, and health, this new moon invites you to consider what daily practices your body needs in order to express its most nourished vitality.

A mutable Earth sign, this practice will give you the opportunity to tap into the harmonic nourishment of nature. After you ground your energy, you will be guided through an energetic detox and replenishment.

Release stuck, stagnant, trapped energy in your system to make room for fresh, life giving, sparkling vitality!



Amanda Leaveck uses science and magic to live deliciously, and she help others do the same. Her researched-based approach to mindfulness is ignited by intuition, love, and a deep reverence for the unknown.  Through coaching, meditation and yoga, she offers experiences and education so that all of us can flow through life with more ease.



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this class pairs well with


(32 min YOGA) Virgo Inspired Flow w/ Amanda Leaveck

(25 min CLASS) Lunar Workshop for the New Moon in Virgo w/ Kitty Truax

(60 min YOGA) Virgo New Moon Restorative Practice w/ Amanda Leaveck