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JANUARY overview


THIS MONTH IN THE earth and cosmos


As we enter the new year, the days are gradually growing brighter. The restful energy of winter, paired with the grounding influence of Capricorn season, offers a fertile space to dream boldly about what we want to create in the year ahead. What structures will support the heart of our visions? Now is a time to avoid becoming overly attached to the specific ways our dreams will manifest. Instead, we are encouraged to connect deeply with the essence of our dreams—without forcing a rigid, step-by-step plan for how they will come to life.

The Full Moon in Cancer on January 13th brings heightened sensitivity to our emotions, which can be gently held within the steady framework of Capricorn’s energy. As we move into the new year, the New Moon in Aquarius on January 29th invites us to remember that who we are is always shaped by our relationship with the collective. As the light returns, how can we gracefully weave our personal journey into the larger tapestry of community?

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