(25 min PRACTICE) Scorpio New Moon Meditation for Shadow Love w/ Amanda Leaveck


The new moon in Scorpio offers the opportunity for us to love the things that feel unloveable within ourselves... or at least be with them in a kind and accepting energy.  What aspects of yourself have been pushed into a closet because of shame?  What craves to be loved unconditionally?

This practice starts by giving the opportunity to establish resource in your nervous system - that is, identifying something that feels good in your physical body and mental sphere.  Then, you are guided through a 'lights out' body scan to mimic the lack of light in the moon cycle and settle into the depths of your psyche, where these 'undesirable' traits may live.  

Scorpio rules the pelvis and reproductive organs, so a few moments are offered in the practice to light up this region in your awareness.  Then, you are invited to uncover an aspect of yourself that has been hidden because of shame or guilt... and are guided into a practice of BEING with this aspect, either in neutrality or love.

May this shadow contribute to alchemizing shame into kindness, both in yourself and in the greater collective <3



Amanda Leaveck uses science and magic to live deliciously, and she help others do the same. Her researched-based approach to mindfulness is ignited by intuition, love, and a deep reverence for the unknown.  Through coaching, meditation and yoga, she offers experiences and education so that all of us can flow through life with more ease.



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this class pairs well with


(15 min CLASS) Lunar Workshop for the New Moon in Scorpio w/ Kitty Truax

(27 min PRACTICE) Shadow, Shame, & Belonging w/ Nkechi Njaka

(60 min YOGA) Yin Stretching for Hip Release w/ Amanda Leaveck