(30 min YOGA) Attune To Spiritual & Ancestral Guidance w/ Meg Elaine


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We made a custom PLAYLIST on Spotify to enjoy with this class…

This practice honors the time between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice, a time that is especially potent to connect with the Spirit realm. Class starts with a 7 minute meditation, moves into a yoga flow, and ends with a nourishing resting pose on the back.

This practice is an invitation to welcome in messaging that is most supportive to you. In times of so much external messaging, it is important to protect ourselves energetically - to be mindful of the messages we are taking in and selective of the external places you source messaging from.

No matter how specific or abstract this metaphor unfolds for you - let yourself explore these themes in the body with the breath. Notice how the breath can be a tool to welcome in messages of support with every inhale, and a place to release outdated messages with every exhale.

Physically, this class explores luxurious breath-centered movements

Reflection Questions

1. Free write: “Outdated external messages that I would like to release are…”

2. Moving into the winter season of going inward, what are the messages I would like to welcome inward? What messages of support are here for me from spirit?



Meg encourages students to practice intuitive listening of the body, mind, and heart, oftentimes through natural breath awareness  She specializes in yoga nidra, which provides students with the opportunity for deep rest and relaxation of both the conscious and subconscious layers.  After teaching yoga since 2014, Meg is consistently humbled to hold space for the deep soul work of practicing presence.  



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this class pairs well with

(30 min PRACTICE): Elemental Alignment Meditation w/ Erin Anderson Kipp

(30 min PRACTICE): Elemental Alignment Meditation w/ Erin Anderson Kipp