(11 min READING) Angelic Channeled Message for Fall 2021 w/ Nikki Gomez


What is all of this change for? That is the question the collective is asking the angels. In this class Angelic Reiki Healer and Channeler, Nikki Gomez brings you a timely channeled message from the angels!

Archangel Michael offers guidance during this time of great change. Most of us are wondering what all of this change is for especially if we are being expected to resume life as though nothing has happened since the global shift the pandemic has brought about and yet there is an inner calling in your soul asking you to pursue something new. What do you do when you've been illuminated to a new reality and you can't unlearn what you've learned? Archangel Michael provides some clarity on how to move forward in your new reality.


  1. Are you inspired to go after a dream or goal?

  2. Are you ready to take that leap towards manifesting the life that best aligns with your new reality?

  3. How do you come back to your center?



Nikki was raised without religion but had an innate "knowing" of spirituality. Her childhood experience was filled with frightening paranormal encounters and violent personal family traumas. Nikki would often choose to "pray" to her angels for help, protection and guidance. Over the years she began to realize all of her prayers were being answered. This confirmed her belief in Source "God" and Angels. Nikki currently offers intuitive counseling for those seeking a deeper understanding of their current soul journey.



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this class pairs well with

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(10 min PRACTICE): EFT Tapping for Manifestation w/ Liz Andolong

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