(14 min PRACTICE) Heart Coherence Meditation w/ Amanda Leaveck


This track is from my Neurosound Meditation Album: https://amandaleaveck.com/offerings/neurosound/

**with live cello music by Daniel Zamzow

Mood: Cozy, Accepting, Loving
Feels Like: A really, really good hug

There are more nerve connections between the heart and the brain than any other system in the body – in fact, 90% of these connecting fibers ascend from the heart up to the brain. These neural pathways are constantly sending signals that interact with the brain's higher cognitive and emotional centers, which influence our thought patterns, our mood, and our resilience to stress.  Studies show that we can create coherence in our heart rhythm through the conscious generation of positive emotions, which will in turn increase the overall balance within the nervous system.

 This meditation uses techniques established by the HeartMath Institute to increase heart coherence through the re-direction of focus and the conscious generation of genuine appreciation and gratitude.


  1. How is my heart?  Write down descriptive words (emotions, adjectives, physiological sensations, etc) that arose during your meditation.  

  2. What would I like to invite into my heart moving forward?  This is open ended - it could be a specific life condition, a way general way of being, an emotional shift, etc.



Amanda Leaveck uses science and magic to live deliciously, and she help others do the same. Her researched-based approach to mindfulness is ignited by intuition, love, and a deep reverence for the unknown.  Through coaching, meditation and yoga, she offers experiences and education so that all of us can flow through life with more ease.



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this class pairs well with


(47 min YOGA): Yin + Meditation for the Heart w/ nathaniel gonzalez

(15 min PRACTICE): Breathwork to Increase Heart Rate Variability w/ Maya Elena

(45 min YOGA): Heart-Centered Slow Flow w/ Anne Baggenstoss