(12 min READING) Collective Dream Message for March 2021 w/ Holly Emmerson


Welcome to your collective Dream Reading for March 2021. The messages in this month's reading really focused around the inner dialogue you have with yourself and how this impacts the way you see your life, move through your life and transform your life. The messages will serve to spark some reflective work within yourself to see how your thoughts are aligning or not with what you desire to create for yourself in your life and in the collective.

The messages tie in nicely with the monthly theme of Heart Coherence because it's time to connect with your heart and listen to what it's constantly whispering to you.

Reflection Questions

Feel into your heart when journaling/meditating on these reflection questions.

  1. Where have I been focusing my energy/attention these days? Is it supporting me and the collective or not?

  2. Do I feel pulled in a couple/multiple directions and if so, is this benefiting me or do I need to make some shifts to more fully align with what I desire to create for myself and the collective?

  3. What is the primary energy I'm sending out into the world through my daily interactions with others? Is it love, compassion, gratitude, joy, etc....??

  4. Does this energy that I'm sending out into the world align with how I want to feel on a daily basis and what I energetically want to contribute to the collective with?



Holly Emmerson is a Dream Oracle and Healer. She channels collective messages for the Science & Magic consciousness from The Universe while lucid dreaming in the Dream World. With these channeled messages, she helps you know what to DO, so you can HEAL, SHIFT and ALIGN your life to AWAKEN and create the life you’ve always desired.



Please share your thoughts.



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this class pairs well with

(14 min PRACTICE) Flowering Heart Meditation w/ Amanda Leaveck

(14 min PRACTICE) Flowering Heart Meditation w/ Amanda Leaveck

(45 min YOGA) Heart Centered Slow Flow w/ Anne Baggenstoss

(45 min YOGA) Heart Centered Slow Flow w/ Anne Baggenstoss

(15 min PRACTICE) Heart Coherence Meditation w/ Nkechi Njaka

(15 min PRACTICE) Heart Coherence Meditation w/ Nkechi Njaka