(10 min CLASS) The Science of Gratitude w/ Amanda Leaveck


I wrote this article about how the practice of gratitude influences heart coherence for Twin Cities Pride Magazine. To gather different perspectives about the human heart, I included sharings from nathaniel gonzalez (Science & Magic teacher), Dr. Roxanne Prichard, and Dr. Tom Pastor.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page and try some suggested class pairings that evoke heart coherence in your own body!



Amanda Leaveck uses science and magic to live deliciously, and she help others do the same. Her researched-based approach to mindfulness is ignited by intuition, love, and a deep reverence for the unknown.  Through coaching, meditation and yoga, she offers experiences and education so that all of us can flow through life with more ease.



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this class pairs well with


(14 min PRACTICE) Heart Coherence Meditation w/ Amanda Leaveck

(45 min YOGA) Heart Centered Slow Flow w/ Anne Baggenstoss

(20 min PRACTICE) Yoga Nidra for Heart Connection w/ Meg Elaine