(30 min YOGA) Summer Solstice Flow w/ Meg Elaine


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We made a custom PLAYLIST on Spotify to enjoy with this class…

Welcome to your celebration of the Summer Solstice, aka Litha! This class is intended to honor this tipping point in our year - the longest day of the year! This is an amazing place to create our intentions - where would we like to devote the energy we’ve collected throughout the building of this year?

This class focuses on balancing postures and feeling our connection to our feet, while connecting to the light and life of the sun. A reminder to remain grounded and rooted as we express, embody, and share our intentions moving forward. As always, hold space to listen to any variations your body desires along the way; cultivate that inner knowing and allow it to be expressed physically.


The word “solstice” comes from the Latin "solstitium," which means “sun stands still.” Ancient cultures around the world celebrated this time of year, also called Midsummer, or Litha (LEE-tah), as everything from a potent fire festival to a time for honoring the space between Heaven and Earth. This class is designed to reflect the celebration of this time of year in our bodies! Hope you enjoy this day and this practice.



Meg encourages students to practice intuitive listening of the body, mind, and heart, oftentimes through natural breath awareness  She specializes in yoga nidra, which provides students with the opportunity for deep rest and relaxation of both the conscious and subconscious layers.  After teaching yoga since 2014, Meg is consistently humbled to hold space for the deep soul work of practicing presence.  



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this class pairs well with

(47 min CLASS) Litha Myths, Meditation, and Spell with Erin Anderson-Kipp

(47 min CLASS) Litha Myths, Meditation, and Spell with Erin Anderson-Kipp