(30 min YOGA) Gemini Inspired Vinyasa + Breathwork w/ Anne Baggenstoss


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We made a custom PLAYLIST on Spotify to enjoy with this class…

Gemini rules the lungs, throat, and breath - connect to each of these spaces while moving mindfully through standing postures. Explore the duality in your own body (reflective in the Gemini energy of the The Twins) through alternate lung breathing.

The class begins in a long juicy child's pose, moves through gentle sun salutations, standing poses, and includes lots of space to breathe and integrate.

Take this class any time of day to feel your breath body awaken and energy to find balance throughout your body.



Anne currently works professionally as a massage therapist and craniosacral practitioner, and continues to teach Yoga for the pure joy of it. Her yoga practice is very self-reflective and heart centered. She loves to practice and share yoga to maintain fluidity in the body, to breathe deeply and clearly, and to feel joy from within. Her "work" continues to evolve, grow, & change - she is ever curious of the unfolding process of this mysterious life.



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this class pairs well with


To stimulate the lungs:

(15 min PRACTICE): Intense Breathwork for Healing & Immunity w/ Chance York

(15 min PRACTICE): Intense Breathwork for Healing & Immunity w/ Chance York

To cultivate balance:

(15 min PRACTICE): Alternate Nostril Breathing w/ Maya Elena

(15 min PRACTICE): Alternate Nostril Breathing w/ Maya Elena

To tone the throat:

(13 min PRACTICE): Om Chant for Vagal Nerve Tone w/ Chance York

(13 min PRACTICE): Om Chant for Vagal Nerve Tone w/ Chance York