(30 min YOGA) Winter Solstice Rejuvenation w/ Liz Andolong


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We made a custom PLAYLIST on Spotify to enjoy with this class…

Welcome the Winter Solstice with this 30 minute restorative and reflective yoga practice built for you to receive. As Neptune has stationed direct, we are invited to begin to reflect upon the last five months which have straddled reality and fantasy.

The goal for this practice is to invite you spaciousness with a gentle heart and hip opener, a spinal twist to aid our bodies in releasing, and a restorative inversion to draw our energy back to our heart. Bring 2 pillows, a blanket, and your coziest clothes as Liz guides you through this 3 pose practice.

If you'd like to just dive into the practice, jump to 3:49!



Liz Andolong is a mindful movement and yoga teacher, Usui Reiki Master, meditation and breathwork guide, always looking for new ways to get embodied and connect others with the healing that she believes is within every body. She believes in the power of healing touch, getting women together in community, and loves creating spaces to do so. Her offerings are always to simply create space for you to notice, unwind, and come back home to your most authentic self.



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this class pairs well with

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