(60 min YOGA) New Moon in Virgo Restorative Practice w/ Amanda Leaveck


Listen to the playlist

We made a custom PLAYLIST on Spotify to enjoy with this class…

Virgo invites us to consider how we are nourished through daily rituals and digestion - this practice is focused on stimulating the digestive system through gentle movement and stretching.  

I suggest not eating a super huge meal right beforehand :)

As always, class will end with grounding ‘lights out’ body scan to mimic the cosmic energies or darkness.



Amanda Leaveck uses science and magic to live deliciously, and she help others do the same. Her researched-based approach to mindfulness is ignited by intuition, love, and a deep reverence for the unknown.  Through coaching, meditation and yoga, she offers experiences and education so that all of us can flow through life with more ease.



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this class pairs well with


(10 min PRACTICE): Abdominal Breath for Healthy Digestion w/ Meg Elaine

(20 min CLASS): The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis w/ Ayla Wolf

(32 min YOGA) Virgo Inspired Practice w/ Amanda Leaveck