(18 min CLASS) Ayurveda Tips for Summer w/ Vanashree Belgamwar


According to Ayurveda, Summer is a high Pitta season. Without the implementation of intentional cooling & balancing strategies, this time of year can result in a lot of fire and water element imbalances.

DOSHA: Pitta
ELEMENTS: Fire + Water
BODY: digestive system, Liver, pancreas, spleen, skin
EMOTIONS: anger, rage, irritation, frustration, jealously, envy

When high amounts of the fire element are present in the body, it might result in symptoms like headaches, migraines, and digestive disorders like - acid reflux, nausea, diarrhea, etc. This time of year especially affects areas of the body that are associated with the mid section (mostly gut & skin). 

Key words: fiery, sharp, hot, bright


Pitta can be challenging to balance in the body because it’s an element that is very sharp and hot. In order to balance the hot, sharp, fiery nature of Pita, it can be helpful to consume foods and engage in activities of the opposite nature (see suggestions below).

Instead of overwhelming the body with intense amounts of exercise in hot weather, focus on cooling activities like swimming, moon salutations, and cooling breath work like Shitali and Sitkari. Evoke routine with sleep and go to bed before 10pm to avoid imbalances with sleep.




Cooling, nourishing, raw, and watery

  • Fruits - watermelons, pomegranates, grapes

  • Vegetables - Summer squash, green beans, green leafy vegetables (except spinach), lettuce, cruciferous

  • Cooked apples & pears with ghee and cardamom

  • Cooling fats - coconut oil & ghee

  • Avoid spicy, soul, oily, deep fried, and fermented foods


Cool the mind!

  • Abhyanga (self massage with coconut oil), followed by a cool shower

  • Moon meditation

  • Cooling breaths - Shitali & Sitkari

  • Go to bed before 10 min

  • Massage warm coconut oil on scalp & feet



 Vanashree Belgamwar is an Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga and a spiritual teacher (art of living).She holds a BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic medicine and surgery) degree from ‘University of health sciences, India’.In addition to that, she is trained in ‘Nadi Pariksha’ (Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis) an amazing diagnostic tool that can tell you a lot about your well being. Vanashree hosts multiple workshops on Ayurveda and Ayurvedic cooking around Twin Cities.



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this class pairs well with


Embody the Season:

(30 min YOGA): Breathwork for Summer Vitality w/ Greg Hines

Cool Your Mental Energy:

(17 min PRACTICE): Neck & Shoulders Self Massage and Myofascial Release w/ Liz Andolong

Watery Flow:

(30 min YOGA): Cancer-Inspired Flow w/ Meg Elaine