(7 min READING) Angelic Channeled Message for April 2021 w/ Nikki Gomez


It's Time to Accept Your Gifts and Move Forward Knowing YOU ARE READY.

In this class Angelic Reiki Healer and Channeler, Nikki Gomez brings you a timely channeled message from the angels!

Archangel Michael wants you to know you are ready to be the healer/thought leader/Change maker you wish to be in this world. Whether you identify as a healer or a seeker, you have unique gifts tied to your energetic vibration that bring light to the world and those around you. During this massive energetic growth time, it will be increasingly hard to dim your light. If you feel called to step into your gifts NOW is the time to do so. Archangel Michael hears your call and wants you to know you are ready to embrace and share your soul's wisdom.


  1. Have you been doubting your own gifts?

  2. Can you step into your light and share your gifts?

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Nikki was raised without religion but had an innate "knowing" of spirituality. Her childhood experience was filled with frightening paranormal encounters and violent personal family traumas. Nikki would often choose to "pray" to her angels for help, protection and guidance. Over the years she began to realize all of her prayers were being answered. This confirmed her belief in Source "God" and Angels. Nikki currently offers intuitive counseling for those seeking a deeper understanding of their current soul journey.



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this class pairs well with


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