(20 min CLASS) Earth Energy Reading for Imbolc 2021 w/ Erin Anderson-Kipp


At the Wiccan festival of Imbolc (Feb 1 or Feb 2), we welcome the warmth that lightly kisses the edges of a cold, dark night. With weeks of darkness yet ahead, we can indulge in the mystery of the season’s shadows while knowing the dawn will soon be here.

In this Imbolc Earth Energy reading, I share messages and images that highlight the opportunities at this time of year, offering insights about how and where we can focus our energy in a way that both honors and serves the earth and honors and serves our needs. The answers come through in the form of colors, symbols and pictures. Together, they combine to tell a story the spirit of Mother Gaia wishes to share at this time.

IMBOLC PLAYLIST: open.spotify.com/playlist/2hIvwEz6KrgZW7od4Wbhp7?si=3Os5oPfuSZGNSR3j-GhMzg


  1. What are my feelings around the concept of surrender?  What am I clinging on to that can be surrendered to the deeper flow of life?

  2. Where are my edges and triggers around discomfort?  Where do I need to release judgement, fear, and ego? 

  3. What, in my seemingly ordinary life, is actually extraordinary?

  4. What currently demands my attention that might not give it’s return as an energetic investment?  

  5. What vices are getting in the way of me connecting to and expressing something greater in my life?  Of touching the extraordinary in my life and myself?

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Erin Anderson is a healer, metaphysician and Celtic Shaman initiate in the Hermetic Lineage of King Salomon. Through mindfulness coaching, energetic re-coding protocols, ritual practice and the art of intuitive perception, Erin helps her clients cultivate emotional and spiritual resilience so they can live with greater passion, purpose and meaning.



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this class pairs well with

(30 min CLASS): Imbolc Myths, Meditation, & Spell w/ Erin Anderson-Kipp

(30 min CLASS): Imbolc Myths, Meditation, & Spell w/ Erin Anderson-Kipp

(10 min PRACTICE): EFT Tapping with Mantras w/ Liz Andolong

(10 min PRACTICE): EFT Tapping with Mantras w/ Liz Andolong