(20 min CLASS) Energy Reading for Winter Solstice 2020 w/ Erin Anderson Kipp


We’re entering a season in which it’s not just a privilege but rather a moral responsibility that we think, speak, and act with the dignity, the authority and the empowerment of royalty.

In this intuitive reading, Erin "streams" earth + cosmic energies to highlight themes relevant for our growth and healing at this magical time of year. Spirit expresses insights in the form of colors, symbols and pictures to tell a story about the opportunities available to us.



1) What within me or my life, needs cover or protection to heal? What heals better when it is not being attended to at every moment?

2) Where/how can I shift my attention from lack and scarcity to abundance and overflow?

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Erin Anderson is a healer, metaphysician and Celtic Shaman initiate in the Hermetic Lineage of King Salomon. Through mindfulness coaching, energetic re-coding protocols, ritual practice and the art of intuitive perception, Erin helps her clients cultivate emotional and spiritual resilience so they can live with greater passion, purpose and meaning.



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this class pairs well with


Learn about winter solstice:

(45 min CLASS): Winter Solstice + Yuletide Magick w/ Erin Anderson Kipp

(45 min CLASS): Winter Solstice + Yuletide Magick w/ Erin Anderson Kipp

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