(8 min READING) Collective Dream Message for July 2021 w/ Holly Emmerson


This message felt more like a collective reading as well as a message! July is a time for some big transformations and we’re being reminded as asked to reflect on how we can tune into our hearts more fully to hear our inner guidance.

It may feel like much is being lost as we shift out of old ways of being that no longer align. Remember you’re always supported and receiving guidance.

Reflection Questions

Feel into your heart when journaling/meditating on these reflection questions.

  1. How can you find balance in all this change/moments of chaos and unknown?

  2. What is your heart calling you towards?

  3. Where is the abundance that’s already around me?

  4. Where is the proof that I’m being supported and guided? (Explore this to ease worry, to prove the worry/fear wrong)

  5. Where am I being guided?

  6. What am I feeling called to explore?



Holly Emmerson is a Dream Oracle and Healer. She channels collective messages for the Science & Magic consciousness from The Universe while lucid dreaming in the Dream World. With these channeled messages, she helps you know what to DO, so you can HEAL, SHIFT and ALIGN your life to AWAKEN and create the life you’ve always desired.



Please share your thoughts.



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this class pairs well with

(14 min PRACTICE) Flowering Heart Meditation w/ Amanda Leaveck

(14 min PRACTICE) Flowering Heart Meditation w/ Amanda Leaveck

(10 min PRACTICE) EFT Tapping with Mantras w/ Liz Andolong

(10 min PRACTICE) EFT Tapping with Mantras w/ Liz Andolong