(35 min YOGA) Sagittarius Inspired Flow w/ Anne Baggenstoss


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Sagittarius, a fire sign, is governed by the thighs and the legs. This flow helps to bring strength and focus to the legs while also building some internal heat in the body.

Sagittarius offers a sense of adventure and forward momentum - hence, class will also encourage centeredness within such expansive energy.

Class begins with a five minute meditation and quickly moves into dynamic breath-centered movement intended to energize the legs. Several times throughout class, you will be given the opportunity to orient yourself to the sun, moon, and four cardinal directions.



Anne currently works professionally as a massage therapist and craniosacral practitioner, and continues to teach Yoga for the pure joy of it. Her yoga practice is very self-reflective and heart centered. She loves to practice and share yoga to maintain fluidity in the body, to breathe deeply and clearly, and to feel joy from within. Her "work" continues to evolve, grow, & change - she is ever curious of the unfolding process of this mysterious life.



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this class pairs well with


To cultivate energetic balance:

(15 min PRACTICE): Elemental Alignment Meditation w/ Erin Anderson Kipp

(15 min PRACTICE): Elemental Alignment Meditation w/ Erin Anderson Kipp

To practice balancing postures:

(60 min YOGA): Vinyasa for Nervous System Balance w/ Amanda Leaveck

(60 min YOGA): Vinyasa for Nervous System Balance w/ Amanda Leaveck