(20 min CLASS) TCM Seasonal Living for Winter w/ Sophia Bouwens


According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the season of winter runs from November 7th to February 3rd. In this class, Sophia dives into the season of winter from the Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view.

Winter serves us when we can drop into a more "Yin" state in our lives; taking pause to tend to our deepest source so that we can go forward into the world and accomplish what we set out to do. This is because the Kidney, from the TCM perspective, governs our reproduction, our bones, our nervous system, and our DNA. It is our "seed of life", and our deepest source energy.

Coming into balance with the Kidney season, or the Water element, means coming into balance with our truest, deepest selves. Drawing on metaphors from nature, Sophia delves into how to live in harmony with Winter through inner reflection and connecting to our core values.

This Yin season calls us to work on our inner world and is supported through mindfulness and body practices, establishing a rhythm of rest, using sound to draw us inward, regulating our sleep, and eating nourishing foods to support our Kidney energy in this season.

Reflection Questions

  1. What can I do in my daily life to build in more rest or active restoration?

  2. How can I work to fill my cup first before going out into the world to give or to accomplish?

  3. What can I do to prioritize connecting with my values, my inner voice, and my nourish my intimate relationships?




  • Seeds

  • Nuts

  • Bone broth

  • Blueberries

  • Mushrooms

  • Black beans


  • Yin Yoga

  • Restorative Yoga

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Sound Healing

  • Naps



Sophia Bouwens, L.Ac, is a Neurological Acupuncturist and Traumatic Brain Injury survivor who is on a mission to help others heal and empower their nervous system and bodies. She uses a unique integration of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Functional Neurology to produce profound effects and positive changes in brain function and body connection. 



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this class pairs well with


Sound Healing:

(30 min PRACTICE): Singing Bowl Meditation w/ Erin Anderson Kipp

(30 min PRACTICE): Singing Bowl Meditation w/ Erin Anderson Kipp

Restorative Yoga in Bed:

(20 min YOGA): Practice in Bed w/ Meg Elaine

(20 min YOGA): Practice in Bed w/ Meg Elaine

Winter Yoga:

(35 min Yoga): Flow with Winter’s Waters w/ Greg Hines

(35 min Yoga): Flow with Winter’s Waters w/ Greg Hines