(36 min YOGA) Springtime Rising in Summer w/ Greg Hines


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From the saturated soils of winter, Spring emerges with an upward trajectory. The sprout arises to reach for a fiery sun. In this energizing Katonah Class, you'll kick your butt.

Spring correlates to the wood element in Chinese five element theory. Backbending and twisting postures explore the aspirational characteristic of Spring, yet demand tenacity in the roots of the body. Wood that can weather the storm must hold it's ground and pull up it's pliancy from the nourishment of steady ground.

Give yourself permission to ebb and flow, fall in and out of love with the pose. Wood reminds us that reaching up to the big star of the sun originates from a primitive impulse, a fire under our ass.

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Greg is a  yoga educator and street philosopher. Over the last decade, he’s brought a whole-person approach to yoga teaching in Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota, as well as in Denver, Colorado. In 2021, he will complete a Masters of Science Degree in Yoga Therapy at Maryland University of Integrative Health and a certification in Katonah Yoga, a Taoist-based yoga form exploring sacred geometry, Chinese five-element theory and hatha yoga practices.



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