(9 min CLASS) Collective Dream Reading for December 2020 w/ Holly Emmerson


Welcome to your collective Dream Reading for December 2020. The messages in this month's reading really focused around deepening and shifting the relationships we have with our Spirit Guides as well as how we view ourselves in this now moment.

The messages tie in nicely with the monthly theme of Subconscious Patterning because they really allow us to revisit the habits we've created around the relationships we have with our Spirit Guides and ourselves.

Reflection Questions

  1. How can I connect with playful, joyful and adventurous energy with my Spirit Guides?

  2. Where are you now thriving that once was a challenge?

  3. How can I celebrate me and where I’ve come from and all the growth I've embodied? Can I feel into this more balanced energy where it once was unbalanced?



Holly Emmerson is a Dream Oracle and Healer. She channels collective messages for the Science & Magic consciousness from The Universe while lucid dreaming in the Dream World. With these channeled messages, she helps you know what to DO, so you can HEAL, SHIFT and ALIGN your life to AWAKEN and create the life you’ve always desired.



Please share your thoughts.



Post on our community board!

this class pairs well with


Attune to spiritual and ancestral guidance:

(30 min YOGA) Meditation + Vinyasa to Attune to Spiritual & Ancestral Guidance w/ Meg Elaine

(30 min YOGA) Meditation + Vinyasa to Attune to Spiritual & Ancestral Guidance w/ Meg Elaine

Listen to a channeled message from Archangel Michael:

(9 min CLASS) Channeled Message from Archangel Michael for December 2020 w/ Nikki Gomez

(9 min CLASS) Channeled Message from Archangel Michael for December 2020 w/ Nikki Gomez

Celebrate all the ways you’ve grown over the past six months:

(30 min YOGA): Celebration of Harvest Flow w/ Meg Elaine

(30 min YOGA): Celebration of Harvest Flow w/ Meg Elaine