(48 min CLASS) Reed Magick + 5 Element Spell for Coherence w/ Erin Anderson Kipp


This month we take our cues from the resilient, complex, and mysterious Reed. Like the Reed, we are neutral vessels: We remember that we can be both bringers of light AND dealers of darkness. The aspect we amplify (by choice or default) often depends on how closely we attune to the wisdom of our hearts.

Enjoy this spell + meditation, designed to invite full body coherence through the five elements of fire, water, air, earth, and spirit.

We can hope for harmony to arrive, or we can proactively promote its emergence. Reed Magick gives us a way to examine the cycles of birth/growth/death we navigate throughout our lives, and to create more moments of heart coherence and flow.

Following the lessons of the Reed, we learn to spot when we’re using our gifts to elevate (vs. diminish) ourselves and others. From there, we can confidently pour our energy into the relationships and endeavors that resonate with our values.


Class Timing:

Intro to Reed Magick: (0:00-13:29)

Setting up for the Spell: (13:29-21:24)

Reed Magick Meditation (21:24-25:30)

Fire (25:30-29:12)

Water (29:12-33:03)

Air (33:03-35:45)

Earth (35:45-40:34)

Spirit (40:34-44:35)

Closing (44:35 - end)

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Erin Anderson is a healer, metaphysician and Celtic Shaman initiate in the Hermetic Lineage of King Salomon. Through mindfulness coaching, energetic re-coding protocols, ritual practice and the art of intuitive perception, Erin helps her clients cultivate emotional and spiritual resilience so they can live with greater passion, purpose and meaning.



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this class pairs well with

(14 min PRACTICE): Flowering Heart Meditation w/ Amanda Leaveck

(14 min PRACTICE): Flowering Heart Meditation w/ Amanda Leaveck

(30 min PRACTICE): Elemental Alignment Meditation w/ Erin Anderson Kipp

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(35 min LEARN): The Grammar of Magick w/ Erin Anderson Kipp