(9 min CLASS) Seasonal Living for August w/ Sophia Bouwens


Late summer is the time of transformation and transportation. It is ruled by the Earth element and a time of digestion…all things digestion! Digesting information, digesting food, digesting relationships - this is the season where we take things in and transform them into something new. In this video, Sophia dives more into these elements, what it means for our relationship to food, stress, and the creative process in our lives.

ELEMENT: earth
ORGAN: spleen/digestion
EMOTION: worry




  • STRONG DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: watermelon, water chestnuts, cucumbers, spinach, romaine lettuce

  • WEAK DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: oranges, grapefruits, vinegars, ginger

  • lots of water!!!

  • STAY AWAY FROM: sweets, greasy, heavy foods


Start to add a rhythm into your movement schedule

  • Vinyasa yoga

  • Running

  • Belly Breathing



Sophia Bouwens, L.Ac, is a Neurological Acupuncturist and Traumatic Brain Injury survivor who is on a mission to help others heal and empower their nervous system and bodies. She uses a unique integration of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Functional Neurology to produce profound effects and positive changes in brain function and body connection. 



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this class pairs well with


Soothe Digestion:

(20 min YOGA): Soothe Digestion w/ Meg Elaine

(20 min YOGA): Soothe Digestion w/ Meg Elaine

Breathe into your Abdomen:

(10 min PRACTICE): Abdominal Breathing for Healthy Digestion w/ Meg Elaine

(10 min PRACTICE): Abdominal Breathing for Healthy Digestion w/ Meg Elaine

Set a Healthy Rhythm:

(15 min YOGA) Morning Rise w/ Anne Baggenstoss

(15 min YOGA) Morning Rise w/ Anne Baggenstoss