(12 min CLASS) Seasonal Living for February w/ Sophia Bouwens


Welcome to SPRING! It may not feel like it, but this month marks the beginning of the New Year in the Chinese Calendar and the start of the season of WOOD element.

ORGAN: Liver
EMOTION: depression

This is a time of sprouting new life, free movement and new potential. In this video, Sophia also explores the challenges that this time can present, whether they be emotional, physical limitations, or outward circumstances, and how we can work with the Wood energy to balance and harmonize this shift.

This season is a bridge season between Yin and Yang, and brings the stillness that we found in the Water time, and begins to form in to a physical reality - like a young sprout emerging from the soil.

Reflection Questions

  1. Where do I feel restricted in my life?  How can I invite more freedom into these spaces?

  2. What is a new creation that is starting to sprout in my life? What does it need to be protected in these early stages?

  3. In general, do I tend more towards flexibility or order in my life?  How can I invite more balance between these two energies?




Still eat warm foods, but start to introduce freshness. Think sour & crunchy!

  • Baby greens

  • Sprouts

  • Celery

  • Carrots

  • Chips

  • Vinegar

  • Lemon

  • Citrus


Key word: Movement

  • Dance

  • Cardio

  • Tai Chi

  • Vinyasa Yoga

  • Running

  • Journaling/creative expression



Sophia Bouwens, L.Ac, is a Neurological Acupuncturist and Traumatic Brain Injury survivor who is on a mission to help others heal and empower their nervous system and bodies. She uses a unique integration of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Functional Neurology to produce profound effects and positive changes in brain function and body connection. 



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this class pairs well with


Yoga to Balance Polarity:

(40 min YOGA): Polarity Poses to Integrate Winter’s Waters

(40 min YOGA): Polarity Poses to Integrate Winter’s Waters

Stretch the Shoulders:

(15 min YOGA): Shoulder Opening w/ Chance York

Ease the Transition:

(42 min YOGA): Winter to Spring Transition w/ Greg Hines