(15 min CLASS) Seasonal Living for September w/ Sophia Bouwens


This season of Fall is where we approach the equinox - the tipping point from Yang to Yin.

ELEMENT: metal
ORGAN: lung
EMOTION: grief

This is a season of slowing down, of refining our energy, and of creating rhythms to sustain our vitality as we move from activity and outward motion (Yang), toward introspection and stillness (Yin). The organ that corresponds to this season is the Lung organ. The lung houses our breath - an essential rhythm to our life, and a powerful tool in calming and centering ourselves.

After the hustle and bustle of summer, Fall helps us draw inward, connect with ourselves and our breath, and return to a state of rejuvenation. This slowing down, comes at a cost. This is a season marked by refinement - as we move toward stillness, we must be mindful of releasing those things that weigh us down, hold us back, or limit us, and work to release them so we can free up space to be more present and engaged.


Identify one thing you want to refine in your life; something that brings you toward a state of balance with yourself and the life you are working to create. Consider one practical rhythm, ritual, or practice you can do to actualize this thing; maybe it's a new way of eating, or a new workout routine, or maybe you wish to practice more gratitude and let go of complaining.

Whatever you identify, commit to a daily routine, rhythm, or practice that helps you embody this thing. Set a daily time to do this activity or to use as a daily to check-in to hold your self accountable within this rhythm. Work also to simplify, or cut away and eliminate things that get in your way of being able to actualize that new rhythm.

Finally, commit to diligently doing this new rhythm for nine consecutive days. Miss a day? Start over at the beginning. Strive for a perfect nine!




  • Bone broth

  • Light yellow and white foods

  • Ginger

  • Spicy foods

  • Tumeric, paprika, cayenne

  • Cauliflower

  • Onion

  • Pear

  • Black spanish radish

  • Probiotics


Build rhythms and routines around basic daily activities

  • Sleeping

  • Eating

  • Exercise

  • Hydration

Lots of breathwork!



Sophia Bouwens, L.Ac, is a Neurological Acupuncturist and Traumatic Brain Injury survivor who is on a mission to help others heal and empower their nervous system and bodies. She uses a unique integration of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Functional Neurology to produce profound effects and positive changes in brain function and body connection. 



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this class pairs well with


Embody the Season:

(38 min YOGA): Late Summer to Fall Transition w/ Greg Hines

(38 min YOGA): Late Summer to Fall Transition w/ Greg Hines

Stimulate Lungs + Boost Immunity

(15 min PRACTICE): Intense Breathwork to Energize the Nervous System w/ Chance York

(15 min PRACTICE): Intense Breathwork to Energize the Nervous System w/ Chance York

Learn More:

(13 min CLASS): Yin/Yang Harmony in the Body & the Earth w/ Sophia Bouwens

(13 min CLASS): Yin/Yang Harmony in the Body & the Earth w/ Sophia Bouwens