(15 min PRACTICE) Breath & Bandhas Workshop w/ Chance York
Many of our ailments, whether physical, mental, or emotional, originate from anaerobic respiration (breathing without getting enough oxygen). Most of our daily lives do not provide the work and stimulation that our bodies require. As a result, we routinely breathe shallowly, and the muscles associated with breathing become weakened. Over time, we develop soreness, physical stress, knots, and disconnections that create ideal locations for pathogens to remain and proliferate. With that, research shows that there is a direct correlation between your quality of breath to the functionality of your various systems.
The bandhas are internal groups of muscles that stem from the ancient Sanskrit word for "locks." Maha Bandha ("the great lock") combines all the other three bandhas, namely:
1) Mula Bandha, contraction of the perineum
2) Uddiyana bandha, contraction of the abdomen into the rib cage
3) Jalandhara Bandha, tucking the chin close to the chest
When the great lock is engaged it creates a vacuum or suction in the core that provides an ability to manipulate and control deep tissues. This combined with oxygen-rich breath and focus, you can learn to direct this medicinal breath energy to where your body intuitively needs it.
Chance believes that neuroplasticity is a lifestyle. When they say, “perception is reality,” Chance is a person who spends his life researching, practicing, and teaching techniques to help a person shift their perception from being a victim of circumstance to being the curator of opportunity. Every breath, every thought can be a choice: Calm or chaos, peace or panic.
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(30 min YOGA) Slow Flow w/ Chance York