(15 min PRACTICE) Suspended Exhales w/ Maya Elena


This guided langhana (Sanskrit for reduction) breath work is based on the prac "Control Pause" breath work as taught to me by Richard Miller, PhD. This practices encourages Heart Coherence by increasing Heart Rate Variability (HRV).

Increasing HRV builds a well regulated, harmonious, and intentionally balanced nervous system. Shift from reacting to responding by building a relationship with your "control pause".

When you increase the length of your exhale & suspension of breath at the bottom of your exhale, you increase the amount of carbon dioxide in your blood. Increasing the amount of carbon dioxide allows oxygen to permeate the cells deeper. When practiced over a long period of time, this breath work can change how you breathe!



Maya Elena is a songwriter, singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and a 200hr Yoga Teacher. She completed her training at Soul of Yoga in Encinitas, CA. Maya has shared her songs around the country, and is now incorporating them into yoga practices. Concepts she enjoys incorporating into yoga practices are existentialism, philosophy, mythology, self-care, self-compassion and body positivity!



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this class pairs well with

(20 min YOGA): Sun Salutations w/ Maya Elena

(20 min YOGA): Sun Salutations w/ Maya Elena

(5 min YOGA): Midday Vinyasa w/ Amanda Leaveck

(5 min YOGA): Midday Vinyasa w/ Amanda Leaveck

Amanda HelenMaya Elena, breathe